Monday 2 September 2013

Text 3 : A Kit Kat Chunky Caramel Wrapper

Audience: People who would be interested in a  Kit Kat Chunky Chocolate bar with Caramel inside it.

Purpose: To inform buyers that this specific Kit Kat Chunky has Caramel inside and isn't an ordinary Kit Kat Chunky.

Format: A Chocolate Bar Wrapper

Interesting Language Features: The wrapper has the company name on it in bold to show who made the chocolate bar. The wrapper also has 'Caramel' in a bronze like colour to suggest what the colour of the caramel inside will look like and make the wrapper more interesting.

How does this text exert Power: By having only a few words on the wrapper it gives across a powerful feeling as the company doesn't believe that anymore words are required to express what is in or what the product is.  Short and sweet can give a powerful feeling as the chocolate speaks for itself. The word 'Chunky' can been thought of as a strong person and so would relate to the 'Power' side of things.

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