Monday, 2 September 2013

Text 2: A Bottle of Pepsi Max Label

Audience: People who are interested in  a sugar free Pepsi Drink.

Purpose: To inform potential buyers that this Pepsi drink has no sugar and tastes the same as the original Pepsi. The Bottle is also 20% bigger so the purpose who be to persuade people to buy this Pepsi bottle over other fizzy drinks.

Format: A label

Interesting Language Features:  By the company increasing the font size of the word 'Max' is it eye catching and exciting. People would want to drink a 'Max' drink compared to a simple bland named drink due to people wanting to have the best and the more interesting side of consumables.

How has the Gender of the Audience influenced this text: By the colour scheme being Black, Red and Blue (more teens / younger generation colours) the product is more interesting for people who would be looking for a drink that is cool and is popular with both genders. By using more neutral gender colours, the product would be more likely to appeal to all people especially the younger generation who made these types of colours popular.

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