Tuesday 3 September 2013

Text 11: Old MacDonald's Advert

Audience: People who are interested in what MacDonald's is like. (other people's opinions)

Purpose: to show people that MacDonald's is a good place to get food from as they are cheap (shows a price)

Format: It's a Poster from America that isn't used anymore.

Interesting Language Feature: by the writer/creator of the advert using the words 'real good' it makes people feel happy and more inclined to visit the restaurant.

How does the gender of the Audience affect this text: Both genders would be the target audience in this advert and so the producer of this poster would have wanted to show a young boy which would attract girls as they might think he's 'cute' etc. sand the boys as it shows that other boys eat at MacDonald's.

Monday 2 September 2013

Text 10 - A Mobile Phone Description

"What makes an iPhone so easy to love? Maybe it’s that it lets you do so many things. Or that it lets you do so many things so easily. Those are two reasons iPhone owners say they love their iPhone. But there are many others as well..."

Audience: People who are looking for a phone that does more than other phones out at the moment.

Purpose: To tempt people into thinking that the iphone 5 is the best type of phone in its type of mobile market.

Format: A description from the Apple Website.

Interesting Language Features: The fact that the writer asks you a questions to start with automatically gets your brain thinking that this company is ask the customers what they want. also by saying that there are 'many others as well' it makes people believe that the iPhone 5 has even more to offer then what they may already know / what they have been told already. Finally by the writer using the word 'love' it means that other people who already have the phone are already pleased with the results and so should anyone else who gets the product.

How does this text exert Power: By asking the reader a question to get them engaged straight away and by using a strong word like 'love' the writer can already get the upper hand with power when people read this article.

Text 9: A text message.

Audience: Most people who own a mobile device / phone.

Purpose: to show people how slang is being used by most people. A text message is to help people communicate when they don't have time for a long conversation or don't have enough privacy to make a phone call. 

Format: A text Message from a mobile phone

Interesting Language Features: By the writer / "texter" using slang to shorten their words, it shows that the human language could either be seen as evolving, making it easier for people to communicate without needing to spend a long time typing all of the necessary keys, or it could be seen as de-evolving as people are using 'gr8' instead of just putting 2 extra letters and putting 'great' and so some may argue that the younger generation (who started this style of writing) may be changing in a bad way.

How technology as influenced this Text: By mobile phones being able to shorten words (type words in a way that is still understandable but just look different) it shows that technology has given us the power to change our natural speech into something new and more interesting for younger generations.

Text 8: Butlin's Advertisement

Audience: People who are interested in visiting Butlins. Most likely families with young children.

Purpose: To attract people to visit Butlins and enjoy its facilities by using the discount shown above.

Format: It's a page from the Butlins Website in 2008.

Interesting Language Features: The creator of the advertisement uses words that would attract people towards the offer e.g. 'Biggest Ever' and 'Extra' and 'Hurry' making readers think that the offer only has a time limit so they are forced into making a rash decision which is normally actually using the offer and going.

How technology has influenced this text: By it being from a website, the advertisement includes a phone number in-case the family wants to ring up the company to finalise any details and ask any questions they might have. also the website would include a review / comments box from when other people have visited and wanted to express how their experience was.

Text 7: American 1917 War Poster

Audience: People who wanted to help America during Both World Wars.

Purpose: To inform people that the army was recruiting and needed more soldiers. to encourage young men to serve in the line of duty to their country.

Format: Is a poster used from 1917 until the end of World War 2.

Interesting language Features: the emphasis on the word 'You' in co-operation with the fingering pointing out of the poster makes you feel that the poster it talking to ' You' specifically. This poster technique was to help young people feel wanted into the army as the 'You' made them feel like it was them, not anyone else, the army wanted.

How does this text exert Power: By emphasizing the word 'You' it makes people feel like their being spoken too, and it's rude to ignore someone while they talk to you, making it a powerful poster.

Text 6: Halo 4 Game case

Audience: Teens (Male & Female) of the age 16+ (as stated) / Halo fans

Purpose: To show potential buyers what platform the game is for and what company created it. Also to show fans what the main character looks like in the game.

Format: Product - Game Case Front Cover.

Interesting Language Features: the creator of this front cover only used the title of the game to lure people into the game and to find out what the game is all about; at the very least to pick up the game and view its back cover where the blurb is shown.

Has the gender of the Audience influenced the text: I would say that the producers have aimed this game to both genders as men are into the guns and the fighting and the aliens etc. while the women are into a strong man, saving the world in some tough looking armour. (The lady's love a man in uniform)

Text 5 : Anime Synopsis

"In the near future, a Virtual Reality Massive Multi-player Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG) called Sword Art Online has been released where players control their avatars with their bodies using a piece of technology called: Nerve Gear. One day, players discover they cannot log out, as the game creator is holding them captive unless they reach the 100th floor of the game's tower and defeat the final boss. However, if they die in the game, they die in real life. Their struggle for survival starts now..."

Audience: People who are interested in Gaming / Anime - Teens - 13+

Purpose: To inform potential watchers of the Anime about the series and what the whole plot / story line is.

Format: Is a Extract from an Anime website about the anime.

Interesting Language Features: the fact that the writer uses the abbreviated version of the type of game the anime is based off, shows that the readers / watchers would have an easier time understanding what type of audience this program would be aimed at. This program would mostly be aimed at a majority of males and the odd female who is into these kind of hobbies.

How technology has influenced this text: By the synopsis being on a website, the reader has the option to view the program if they are interested. Also, the Readers can also view what other people have said about the program due to their being a 'Reviews' section. 

Text 4: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Blurb

"Harry Potter is preparing to leave the Dursleys and Privet Drive for the last time. But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him - and Harry has already lost so much. Only by destroying Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes can Harry free himself and overcome the Dark Lord's forces of evil. In this dramatic conclusion to the "Harry Potter series", Harry must leave his most loyal friends behind, and in a final perilous journey find the strength and the will to face his terrifying destiny: a deadly confrontation that is his alone to fight"

Audience: Harry Potter fans or people who have seen the films and are interested in what the books are like. (compare the two)

Purpose: to give readers a taster of what is to come during the novel / a brief piece of text explaining what has happened up until this point in the novel series.

Format: Text from the Book Back cover.

Interesting language Features: The writer uses words that are dark to put a gloomy and thrilling atmosphere over the book to show what sort of scene is occurring in the novel, these words are 'danger, lost,destroying, evil, perilous' these types of words are interesting and are captivating, luring you to read what happens.

How does this text exert Power: By the writer using captivating language, readers are forced into reading what is going to happen next; the writer has a hold over the readers and can control what they want to do - power over the people.

Text 3 : A Kit Kat Chunky Caramel Wrapper

Audience: People who would be interested in a  Kit Kat Chunky Chocolate bar with Caramel inside it.

Purpose: To inform buyers that this specific Kit Kat Chunky has Caramel inside and isn't an ordinary Kit Kat Chunky.

Format: A Chocolate Bar Wrapper

Interesting Language Features: The wrapper has the company name on it in bold to show who made the chocolate bar. The wrapper also has 'Caramel' in a bronze like colour to suggest what the colour of the caramel inside will look like and make the wrapper more interesting.

How does this text exert Power: By having only a few words on the wrapper it gives across a powerful feeling as the company doesn't believe that anymore words are required to express what is in or what the product is.  Short and sweet can give a powerful feeling as the chocolate speaks for itself. The word 'Chunky' can been thought of as a strong person and so would relate to the 'Power' side of things.

Text 2: A Bottle of Pepsi Max Label

Audience: People who are interested in  a sugar free Pepsi Drink.

Purpose: To inform potential buyers that this Pepsi drink has no sugar and tastes the same as the original Pepsi. The Bottle is also 20% bigger so the purpose who be to persuade people to buy this Pepsi bottle over other fizzy drinks.

Format: A label

Interesting Language Features:  By the company increasing the font size of the word 'Max' is it eye catching and exciting. People would want to drink a 'Max' drink compared to a simple bland named drink due to people wanting to have the best and the more interesting side of consumables.

How has the Gender of the Audience influenced this text: By the colour scheme being Black, Red and Blue (more teens / younger generation colours) the product is more interesting for people who would be looking for a drink that is cool and is popular with both genders. By using more neutral gender colours, the product would be more likely to appeal to all people especially the younger generation who made these types of colours popular.

Text 1: A Film Review

                                              Kick Ass 2 - Empire Review

            Audience: Both genders though probably more so for males, age range = teens
       (This influences the text because:)  must be gender neutral, age appropriate i.e. written for                                                  adults, could reference to comic origins/fan expectations from Kick Ass (both                                                    film and comics.
          Purpose: Inform, to advise
                      This particular review has not been written to persuade the reader to watch                                                          the film but instead gives an overview of the plot of the film.
           Format: A webpage from the Empire website and includes a still from the film and poster art.                                             The still photo has been used as a teaser for new characters and plot lines

     Interesting language features: the writer of the review uses the older Kick Ass film as a base line to compare                                                    it to the new film that has been released. the writer also comments on the film                                                    to give readers an understanding of what is happening in the film to get readers                                                  interested/involved with the reviewers writing.
     How Technology has Influenced this text: As the review is on a website the readers have an opportunity to            comment on the review and have their own say on what has been written. Also, readers can choose to like          the post to show their gratitude towards the reviewer as the page offers a 'Like' button for those who have              Facebook making the review more open to those who use social media.